Senior Spokesmodel Program

Hi there! I am so excited that you're interested in being part of my Senior Spokesmodel Program! Fill out this questionnaire so I can get to know you better :) You'll hear from me soon with more details!

Please specify

Your Full Name

Please specify

Your Email

Please specify

Your Instagram Handle

Please specify

Your High School

Please specify

Your Graduation Year

Please specify

Your day and month of birth

Please specify

Your Phone Number

Please specify

Your parent/legal guardian name and email

Please specify

Are your parents/guardians excited and onboard with you participating in the Class of 2022 Spokesmodel Team?

Please answer '

How did you hear about me or the Senior Spokesmodel Program?

Please answer '

Why do you want to be a spokesmodel?

Please specify

Are you applying for another spokesmodel program?

Please answer '

If selected to be part of my team, are you comfortable sharing about my business in your social media platforms?

Please specify

Are you willing to curate your personal Social Media accounts to reflect a space that is not offensive (i.e. disturbing images, excessive profane language, racist/sexist tones, etc.) while you are part of the Class of 2022 Spokesmodel Team?

Please answer '

Tell me about your extracurricular activities? What are you involved with?

Please specify

What's your plan after you graduate high school?

Please answer '

Tell me about your style.

Please answer '

Tell me about having fun. What’s fun for you?

Please answer '

Anything else I should know about you or your interest?


Please choose one or more options

Please choose one or more options